Wow. I can't believe I'm doing this. Everyone's asleep so what the heck. Oh, and the Dish Network box broke which is another great excuse to do this.
I haven't blogged in 8 months and I'm kinda rusty, but here goes my thoughts.
1. What I've been reading: Francis Chan- Crazy Love (On my 2nd time around in the last couple weeks.) Also reading his book, Forgotten God. Is that what it's called? I forgot. Well, anyways, it's his new one. Just finished the book of Matthew. Also reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. So, ya, reading alot lately.
2. 2009- Wow. The most money I've made in one year. Ever. God has blessed and I'm so thankful, especially during this crappy economy. But 2010 will be a little different. I've taken a less stressful position and decided to give up the overtime. Less money, but health and family is definitely more important.
3. God has really opened my eyes towards the less fortunate this year. The poor and needy. MFI. All my friends who are struggling to make it because of job cuts or hours cut. It hurts to see that. I hurt for them.
4. I'm so proud of my beautiful wife. Her desire to love on the women at MFI is awesome. Even though she has never experienced anything these ladies have gone through, (drug addiction, prison life, physical and sexual abuse), she obeyed God and was courageous enough to show God's amazing love to them. To see how they've responded to her brings me joy.
5. This week has been a rough week. Rach and I had some health issues that were really painful. A couple nights ago we were lying in bed and I was reading. As I read, I really sensed this "pain" was a spiritual attack. I know, call me crazy, but I felt like I needed to pray for Rachel at that moment and just rebuke the enemy. So I did and then right after Rachel prayed for me. As she prayed for me the pain left just like that. She also said her pain left. How cool is that. I just know that after this experience, I definitely need to pray over her and my children more.
That about sums up what I'm thinking right now. Hopefully I'll blog more often this year.